Each article goes through a number of editing steps in order to ensure it's fit to print. First, a writer is assigned a story idea. A writer may be investigating a faculty grant, a new music album, a student group or a sports event, among other subjects. After completing the necessary interviews and writing the article, the writer works through the article with his or her section editor. At this stage, editors help writers make sure their articles have transitions, an interesting introduction, balanced viewpoints and a solid closing paragraph.
The article is then sent to the copy editors, who check each fact in the article from Sylven Landesburg's latest scoring total to the names of student sources. The copy-editors also work to make Cavalier Daily style consistent throughout the article. Once they have completed their job, the article is sent to the assistant managing editor.
The AME reads each article and focuses on its overall structure and flow while also considering transitions and whether the article provides all the information necessary for readers.Almost ready for print, the article is then sent along to the managing editor who reads every article in each issue except for opinion columns. The managing editor considers all the different components each editing step has worked on throughout the day and makes any final edits to the article.
Finally, the editor-in-chief reads the article for libel concerns and the production team lays out the article on the page with photos and graphics. The page is then sent to the printer and the next issue of The Cavalier Daily is delivered hot off the press, waiting for you on your way to class. Enjoy!