Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Changing of the Guard

As most University students know, the start of a new semester frequently brings an assortment of new challenges and unfamiliar faces. In the classroom, that often means getting acquainted with new syllabi and new professors. Post-Winter-Break in The Cavalier Daily offices, it means restarting our coverage of University and local issues and preparing for our annual staff elections.
As regular readers probably have noticed, The Cavalier Daily has gone back into production and has already printed a number of articles, covering topics ranging from Bob Barker's recent $1 million Law School donation, to the women's basketball team's success during Winter Break, to a recent Honor appeals case.
At the same time, many of those same writers and editors have been preparing for The Cavalier Daily's annual staff elections, held each January in Jefferson Hall. Staff members interested in attaining a new position at the paper have, in addition to their current duties, started "shadowing" various editors in the hope of moving up. Some election races are more contested than others, but one thing's for sure: When January 31 rolls around, and the current staff votes, the paper's new elected leaders will make every effort to continue putting out the University's only independent student paper to the best of their abilities – without losing the quality of journalism readers expect.

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